Del Videojuego al Comic: Blizzard

Otra entrega más de nuestro repaso por el mundo de los comics y los videojuegos y sus diferentes adaptaciones, esta vez repasamos al gigante Blizzard

Assasin's Creed II

Os hacemos una preview de lo que podremos encontrarnos en la segunda parte de esta trilogía


¿Estás aburrido y no sabes que hacer? Con nuestros remembers además de conocer más sobre esos clásicos que tanto nos engancharon podras jugarlos online

Del Videojuego al Comic

En esta entrega os daremos un repaso por Nintendo Comic System, una publicación de Valiant casi desconocida con los personajes de Nintendo.

Gran Turismo: The real driving simulator

Os ofrecemos un paseo por la saga completa de GT, desde sus orígenes hasta lo que será en el futuro

Los 50 mejores

La revista Empire publicó un ranking en el que podríamos votar a nuestros super héroes preferido y ver como iban escalando posiciones

Little Big Planet

¿Qué es LBP?¿Qué puede ofrecernos?Por que tanta expectación?Léelo y te decimos que es lo que ha creado Media Molecule

domingo, 7 de junio de 2009

Bioshock para rato

Aún estamos disfrutando de la primera parte del Bioshock, apurando los últimos trofeos y logros, y terminando de exprimirlo, cuando nos anuncian la segunda parte del mismo, a la vez que empiezan a vislumbrarse los primeros datos del argumento, de su modo multijugador e incluso de su protagonista.

Y ahora ya no vamos a poder ni disfrutar de la segunda parte, ya nos han anunciado Bioshock 3.

Y no sólo Take-Two ha anunciado que ya se está desarrollando la siguiente parte de Bioshock 2 sino que también ha asegurado que Bioshock 3 y la película del videojuego saldrán a la vez y que Ken Levine (Director del juego) Está participando en la secuela y tambíen consultado regularmente para la creación de la versión para las grandes pantallas.

Bien, y ¿que es lo que sabemos de la película de Bioshock?. Pues de momento que su director será Gore Verbinski (de la trilogía de piratas del Caribe). Su guionista posiblemente sea John Logan (Gladiador, El Aviador, Sweeney Todd, etc)y ahora una par de datos más:

El Protagonista

Pues según las declaraciones del prota de la serie de televisión "Prison Break" que consiguieron los de IGN:
Prison Break may be ending, but I’ve got things in the works. Hint… one word: Bioshock

Vamos, que viene a decir que después de la cancelación de la última temporada de la serie, tiene otros proyectos entre manos, Bioshock. ¿Será tan sobrado el tío que únicamente le tantearon para hacer la película y va alardeando por ahí? o ¿Es que realmente Verbinski cuenta realmente con él para estar en el plantel de actores? Pues ni idea, habrá que esperar un poco más para saber como acaba el tema.

El Argumento

Pues en IMDB ya tienen todo el argumento destripado, eso sí, en inglés crtl+c, ctrl+v:

The story takes place in 1960 and follows Jack, who, at the beginning of the game, is on board a plane flying over the Atlantic Ocean. The plane unexpectedly crashes into the middle of the Atlantic, and Jack is the lone survivor. He makes his way through the wreckage and eventually swims to a nearby lighthouse, which he soon finds is the secret entrance to the underwater city of Rapture. Rapture was created in 1946 by Andrew Ryan, who believed the city to be the solution to the increasingly oppressive political and religious authority in the world.

When the city was first built, it was just what Andrew Ryan had imagined, a paradise of freedom of wealth. The city was populated by those whom Ryan believed to be the best in humanity. All was going according to plan. However, the city's downfall resulted from the same reason it was created; Ryan's hatred for authority. In Rapture, contact with the surface was prohibited, which made smuggling extremely profitable. Therefore, the black market became dominated by an ex-mobster named Frank Fontaine, who, unlike Ryan, had an extreme thirst for power. Fontaine wanted complete control of the city, but he needed more than just wealth to achieve it. Fontaine worked closely with Dr. Bridgett Tenenbaum, a German scientist who first discovered ADAM in Rapture. ADAM consists of stem cells extracted from a species of sea slugs. ADAM greatly accelerated genetic engineering research, creating a plasmid industry that sold everything from a cure for male pattern baldness to skills such as electrovolt (which gives the user the ability to emit electric bolts from their fingertips) and telekinesis (which gives the user the ability to move objects with their mind). At first, the scientists of Rapture paid no attention to Tennenbaums new invention, but Fontaine was able to help her get it off the ground. Also with Fontaines help, Tenenbaum was able to create the Little Sisters, who were young girls each with a sea slug embedded in their body to improve ADAM yields. At the same time, the Big Daddies, genetically enhanced humans in large diving suits, were created to protect the Little Sisters as they worked.

In 1958, Andrew Ryan apparently lost patience and had Fontaine killed. Unfortunately for him, another man, Atlas, took Fontaines place as the leader of the opposition. On New Years Eve of the same year, Atlas and his ADAM-augmented followers formed a riot that involved the upper and lower classes of Rapture. This resulted in a civil war between Ryan and Atlas that eventually spread to include the entire city, crippling Rapture.

By the time Jack enters the city in 1960, all ordered society in Rapture has collapsed. On the bathysphere (elevator) ride down to Rapture from the lighthouse, Jack finds a radio from which Atlas meets and begins communicating with him. Atlas tells Jack that he will do all he can to help keep him alive, and to just trust and listen to him. Atlas tells Jack some of the story of Rapture, how Andrew Ryan is corrupt, and he tells him about the rebellion and war. He claims that Ryan has captured his family, and he begs for Jack to go and save them. Atlas teaches Jack everything about ADAM, and he claims that the only way to survive is to gain ADAM and use all of abilities granted by plasmids. He tells Jack to kill all of the Little Sisters and extract all of their ADAM, because it would be the best source for it. However, Dr. Tenenbaum overhears Atlas via radio and urges Jack to save all of the Little Sisters, and claims that it will be worth his while.

As Jack works his way through the terrifying city of Rapture, he learns about Raptures fate and history through audio logs, genetically-induced playbacks of past events, and radio messages. He must fight off all opposing splicers, citizens with severe mental and physical problems due to excessive ADAM use and addiction, who attack him constantly and unconsciously on orders from Ryan, and in search for more ADAM. As Jack encounters the Little Sisters, he must not only decide whether to save or kill them, but he must eliminate all of the overly-aggressive Big Daddies as well. With each step he takes, Jack will discover more and more horrifying truths, encounter nearly-impossible obstacles, and learn that not everything is what it seems in this terrifying dystopia called Rapture.

En resumen, que nuestro prota irá montado en un avión y después de problemas a bordo el aparato acaba estrellándose, y se topa con Rapture en un momento en que el orden de la ciudad está colapsado, y Jack (que así se llama nuestro protagonista, intentará ayudar a Atlas a recuperar a su familia. En su camino se encontrará con Little Sisters, Big Daddies, y con un montón del colgados afectados por el ADAM.

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